Page 5 - SML Brochure v4
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       Consider  having  a  single  low-balance  credit  or  loan  account  outside  the  program  for
       emergencies. Demonstrating a uniform approach to settlement across all accounts is vital for
       successful negotiations with creditors.

       With Settle My Loan, you and the Trustee collaboratively oversee the Trust account containing
       your settlement funds. It's your account, and you have control over authorizing fee deductions
       and  approving  payments  to  creditors.  We  stand  by  you  throughout  your  path  to  financial

       While interest and late fees may accrue until a settlement is reached, our goal is to negotiate a

       significant reduction in your total owed amount, incorporating fees and interest. This aims to
       offer you substantial savings of 40-50% on your enrolled debt.

       You and the Trustee have full control over the account holding your funds as you prepare for
       settlement. At Settle My Loan, our focus is on empowering you throughout the entire settlement

       Settle My Loan operates on a self-save model, urging you to allocate funds monthly for debt
       relief. Our transparent fee structure is based on the total enrolled debt as mentioned in the
       settlement letter. Begin  your  journey  to  financial  freedom  with  Settle  My  Loan.  Together,  we
       can  navigate  the intricacies of debt settlement and pave the way for a brighter financial future,
       transforming your challenges into triumphs.

       This  is  to  help  you  gain  the  time  required  to  save  funds  for  the  settlements,  you  might  to
       experiencing collection calls, harassment, and creditor’s legal action. All these need to be dealt
       with otherwise this plan is not going to be successful. At Settle My Loan, we tailor our subscription

       fees  to  match  your  unique  financial  situation,  particularly  focusing  on  the  amount  of
       outstanding debt you're dealing with. Our goal is to provide you with a flexible and fair pricing
       structure that aligns with your debt reduction journey.

                                                                        +91 865 795 3453
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