Settle My Loan's Debt Settlement program is an excellent solution for those grappling with significant unsecured debt due to unexpected circumstances such as job loss, medical emergencies, or pay cuts. If you find it challenging to keep up with your loan or credit card payments, our program may be the ideal choice for you.
Debt Settlement demands a disciplined strategy and unwavering commitment. Before considering this option, ask yourself:
We pride ourselves on our competitive pricing structure, which is calculated as a modest percentage of half the outstanding loan amount plus GST, rather than being based on the total outstanding balance. Additionally, we charge a minimal monthly maintenance fee to ensure ongoing support and service.
You have complete control over the special purpose account set up in your name. The funds in this account belong to you. Fees for Settle My Loan services are deducted as per an agreed-upon payment schedule. Funds are moved for creditor payments only with your explicit authorization.
We recommend not enrolling any low-balance credit cards or loans that you can pay off quickly. This will help in negotiating settlements for the other accounts, as creditors tend to be less willing to negotiate if they see selective settlements.
Yes, interest and late fees will continue to accrue on your delinquent accounts. However, our objective is to negotiate a significant reduction in the total amount you owe, including any additional interest and fees.
Our approach operates on a self-save model, where you allocate funds into a Trust account specifically for the Debt Settlement program. Our fee is calculated as a modest percentage of half the outstanding loan amount, plus GST. This fee is earned gradually as we successfully negotiate settlements for your enrolled accounts. Our primary goal is to help you realize savings of 40-50% on your enrolled debt, accelerating your path to financial freedom. Any percentage saved beyond 50% of the settlement amount is additional gain for you.
We can negotiate your settlement so that you become debt free, in most cases without it affecting your credit score.